Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK

UnitedMind News June 2024

Welcome to June 2024

UnitedMind orange logo2 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

…and news, stories, upcoming events and event reviews from UnitedMind Ltd. Laughter Yoga, Laughter Yoga in London, all over the UK and world, The Laughter Club International (UK) and The Telephone Laughter Club.

UnitedMind is on the forefront with laughter, happiness and joy!

In June News we share the following…

  1. Birds, Bees, Rain, and Summer from Yours Truly
  2. To share laughter in workplaces
  3. Do you laugh enough?
  4. MS Society West Central London Online Laughter Club
  5. Laughter Club and Telephone Laughter Dates and News
  6. Laughter Yoga Training Dates and News – BOOK POPULAR COURSES NOW
  7. Important training and laughter club dates and info are listed at the end

You can continue to enjoy reading our news on our secure site on and follow us on Social Media!

Social Media is always growing and improving, please follow UnitedMind on

…Summer from Yours Truly

IMG 4401 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

They are chirping outside my window at 4am, sounding like they sit on the window sill but they are probably away in the treetops, but I get up after an hour of listening.

At breakfast the bumble bees arrive at my window to greet me with loud buzzes, and sometimes I help free them from the old and torn spider webs outside, it is all in a day’s work.

Mostly what wakes me, though, is the rain beating on the roof and on my windows, but that is also okay because afterall we are in the UK.

Simply a few observations of what brings my morning routine of laughter forward, and I can honestly say that I would not wish to be without any of it.

You know that special ‘thanks’ you have for all the little quirks of your life? I feel these are a few of those.

They also remind me of the distance we all walk when we embrace life, accept what we cannot change and allow for healing of the moments we could perhaps have been a kinder self.

2025 05 Laughter Yoga Turkey 03 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

Healing happens when you are willing it and let your brain rest from reason.

Your body knows the way to grow and to become whole again, your mind will follow.

Suddenly we become whole and complete.

Holding onto old grief, however justified it may seem, will only do you harm over the course of time, and the grief of the trauma, upset, torment, wrong, injustice will feel double-strong in its effect on both mind, body and emotions.

Letting go and forgiving does not make the act okay but it sets us all free from the hang-up.

It becomes empty and meaningless simply because it is, way before we start adding meaning as the meaning making machines we are as human beings.

IMG 4045 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

Forgiveness, joy, succes, love and caring – it is nothing without the people in your life who can understand what you have been through, and are still there – while you go through new ‘stuff’.

This was not what I had in mind for my words from Yours Truly but things usually work in mysterious way, moving the way they are meant to sometimes without us having a real say in the matter.

I know we are in this world to share the best of ourselves and life together.

Our laughter and smiles will light up the summer – come rain or come shine – share liberally, I know I will!

Love, Friendship, Honesty, Kindness, Health, Hope, Goodness, Grace, Gratitude, Understanding, Faith, Peace, Forgiveness, Patience, Diligence, Love, Blessings and Joy from me to you!

Lotte Mikkelsen
Laughter Yoga Specialist and Master Trainer

To share laughter in workplaces

IMG 4116 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

It was one of the warmer days in May and 40ish people gathered in a small place.

We made it work!

It is always a real treat when bookings come out of someone having had an experience with yourself at another event – and that was the case for Nathalie and Jill.

They both came to my seated session at The Festival of Happiness and both agreed to bring laughter and very good very good yay to their company.

To facilitate is a very special privilege.

People entrust themselves in your capable hands with their minds to be filled with inspiration.

Your stories and anecdotes may be the the little nuggets that connect them with the truth of why they are with you to learn a few new tricks and laughs.

IMG 3696 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

People come to learn from facilitators who have lived experience but they don’t come to only listen to those backstories, they come to learn new skills to bring to life for themselves and those they care about or for.

It touches, moves, and inspires me every time I facilitate, whether it is a workplace workshop or a community or individual training course.

Laughter Yoga facilitators are changemakers and we come with wisdom, knowledge and a real wish to make a difference.

I always hope that at least one person takes a nugget away with them, and it really is rare that no one enjoys it.

Mostly everyone laughs LOTS and that is exactly what Nathalie’s and Jill’s team did in May.

For more information about training and workshops please contact me on

Do you laugh enough?

IMG 4617 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

I remember asking the question in March ‘when did you last have a big belly laugh – the kind that took over your body?’ and someone replied ‘I had a good laugh last summer’.

Somehow, that does not seem to be often enough, yet many people keep their laughter to themselves and with a little shrivelled social attempt let our a vague ‘huh huh’ or simply a mildly approving smile.

But there is help available…

Whether you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert may determine if you laugh lots loudly or hold back your laughter.

The destinction is very popular at the moment and people question if they are truly an introvert extrovert, extrovert introvert, and introverted introvert, extra-extrovert, etc.

Perhaps it matters, perhaps not.

We all know how to laugh but we may not do laugh willingly and self-expressed.

2025 05 Laughter Yoga Turkey 02 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

This is where Laughter Yoga is such an awesome practice because you do not even need to laugh loudly to do the exercises, all you need is a willingness to laugh and with that willingness comes change.

Many people come on Laughter Yoga Leader and Teacher Training for themselves and they may go on to start laughter clubs but it is not the essence and reason of why they come.

Any choice for training in Laughter Yoga is a good choice.

Laughter brings life, hope, kindness, love, compassion and joy.

We forget many of these qualities when we grow up, we forget to connect in with our laughter and the heart of our being.

You can learn the techniques on the 2-day Laughter Yoga Leader Training or you can learn on an 8-week Laughter Coach Programme.

There is more information about how to book further down the news…

For more information about laughter coaching, training and workshops please contact me on

Laughter Yoga Training

2024 05 03 Laughter Yoga Leaders Preston - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

I was meant to be in Preston to teach 8 new Laughter Yoga Leaders in May but a big bug came and consumed my mojo for a few days.

The great news is that Judith Anne and Katy-Anne both from Scotland ventured down to the Northwest and trained the group and since then have nurtured them and shared laughter plentiful.

Honestly, I was gutted but since I could not go and share laughter I am seriously chuffed that the two Laughter Yoga Teachers were able to step in.

It gives me hope that the world is a good place and that people are willing to step in and support!

I teach in St Albans in September, Durham in February, and Preston in May. Throughout the rest of the year I teach in London together with Mel.

2024 03 04 Lotte and Mel laughing - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

The training has gone from learning the basics of ‘ho ho ha ha ha’ to a fully-fledged transformational experience.

Our training supports the energy paradigm shift we experience in our world and the courses have developed into wholesome bases for adopting and adapting powerfully empowering life skills.

This subtle but supreme change has been possible because we have enrolled ourselves into the transformative benefits of practicing every day. This is where true life change and magic happens!

And we can help guide and direct you to the best support structure for having that daily practice – the rest is on you, though.

Read about Laughter Yoga Training on or simply book via the UnitedMind Shop.

To hear more about the Laughter Yoga courses please contact me on

Please join the MS Society Online Laughter Club

The MS Society West London Online Laughter Club is live every Friday until end of December 2025!

Please get in touch to get the Zoom details so you can join us every Friday from 11:00-11:45, except Bank Holidays.

IMG 4114 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

People living with MS and other conditions benefit hugely from a daily practice of Laughter Yoga as the stress that often can cause deterioration of health through the impact of relapses can be reduced and the effect potentially diminished.

I am grateful to be able to share Laughter Yoga with MS Society members until end of 2025 and if we get it right we may even continue on into 2026 – who knows…

To read my story with MS please visit Laughter and MS on

For more information about laughter clubs, training and workshops please contact me on

Laughter Club and Telephone Laughter

Anyone and everyone is welcome to share laughter with us in the Laughter Club International (UK) St Albans on Zoom – and bring a friend or your whole tribe.

2022 05 01 World Laughter Day 02 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

The Laughter Club in St Albans is sharing laughter on Zoom on 1st Sunday every month (except August) at 1pm-1:30pm!

Please register online on

  • Sunday 2 June 2024 at 13:00-13:30 UK time

A Laughter Club is just like a fitness session and we encourage you to pay as you can to Thank you for your kindness.

Please get in touch about the laughter clubs and other options via email,, mobile/WhatsApp +447736341717.

Great news is that the Google Map of Laughter Clubs in the UK is being updated at the moment and you can already see a lot of available laughter clubs.

Note, updated laughter clubs are listed with 2024 at their name, in-person laughter clubs have a blue star place marker, and online laughter clubs have an orange star place marker. Check it out on

If you know of any laughter clubs that are not listed or need updating please email with your information.

In addition The Telephone Laughter Club runs Monday to Friday at 7:00 to 7:10 on

  • Dial: 0333 011 2319
  • Room number: 33928453 #
  • PIN: 8494 #

Please also contact me about The Telephone Laughter Club where we laugh weekday mornings from 7:00 to 7:10 if you have any questions about this service,

Laughter Yoga Teacher Reunion Shout Out!

IMG 1516 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

Please get in touch to organise a room as all rooms have been booked so if you want more rooms to become available please book your place.

We only meet every 2 years and it is a real treat for us all to relax and refresh, reconnect and rejoice.

There will be chats, serious talks, laughs, games, food, sleep, no-sleep-perhaps, more fun, and lasting connections made.

Please do book your place on to ensure there is a room for you, they run out way to soon as there is a limited number of them.

Laughter Training Dates and News

2024 05 03 Certified Laughter Yoga Leaders Preston - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

There are opportunities to become a Laughter Yoga Leader in London and St Albans in 2024, returning to Durham in February and Preston in May 2025.

The 2-day courses are super popular and this year a few dates have had to close for registration – we recommend booking soon!

If you wish to become a Laughter Yoga Teacher or Laughter Therapists these advanced training courses take place in London, Hemel Hempstead, and on your location request with minimum 4 people.

Once you are a Laughter Yoga Leader your joy-journey has only just begund and the gates open to the world of Laughter Yoga, and to becoming a Laughter Yoga Teacher.

Along the way you meet awesome people who may become good friends and even besties.

To learn more about our training programmes, options and requirements, please contact via email

The Accredited Laughter Yoga Training

More information about the different programmes is available on

FHT logo e1589357844204 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

UnitedMind is registered with our insurance company as a Training Provider which means that our certificates grant you insurance.

When you choose your training provider please make sure you check their credentials as online training methods and courses are not always covered by insurers.

FHT Accredited courses uniquely from UnitedMind Laughter Yoga and our Accredited Laughter Yoga Teachers are

With accreditation we are taking Laughter Yoga seriously and we are bringing the standards to another level of nationwide approval within the education system. The UnitedMind accreditation is the only UK accreditation for Laughter Yoga Training.

Our courses are continued professional development and gives you points to add to your CPD list!

To learn more about how you can become a Laughter Yoga Leader or Teacher please contact Lotte on mobile/WhatsApp +44 (0) 7736341717 or email

UnitedMind teaches Laughter Yoga courses in the following locations:

  • Accredited Laughter Yoga Leader Training
    This training is a requirement for becoming a Laughter Yoga Teacher
    • London, Online, Preston, Durham, St Albans, or Your venue your group – minimum 4 people
  • Accredited Laughter Yoga Teacher Training
    This training is a requirement for becoming a Laughter Yoga Coach
    • Hemel Hempstead, or Your venue, your group – minimum 4 people
  • Accredited Laughter Therapist Training
    • Hemel Hempstead
  • Accredited Laughter Coach and Certified Gibberish Coach Training
    • Online, or Your venue, your group – minimum 4 people

Your Self Study

A way to learn at your own leisure, at times to suit. If you are able to come to the in-person training at a later time, the 2-day training is included in the fee of £225.

It is exciting to launch a new way of learning Laughter Yoga online as an almost-self-study, where you will be able to learn at your own pace and finish by presenting a Laughter Yoga session as you will have learned through the lessons, at a face-to-face Zoom session.


Accredited Laughter Yoga Leader

The 2-day Laughter Yoga Leader Training runs on the following dates and venues (full details are listed on provided by UnitedMind in the UK since 2007:

  • Your workplace or with your group at dates to suit you!

12-hour Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training Online – click to choose your dates:

Accredited Laughter Yoga Teacher

The 5-day Laughter Yoga Teacher Training and Hybrid Laughter Yoga Teacher Training runs on the following dates and venues (full details are listed on provided by UnitedMind in the UK since 2012:

Accommodation is not included.

Feel free to enquire about special offers at any time,

Accredited Laughter Yoga Coach

The 1-day Laughter Yoga Coach Training for Laughter Yoga Teachers runs online on the following dates (full details are listed on

Add-On to Laughter Yoga Teacher Certification

Or you can book your 8-week One On One Laughter Coaching Programme and get closer to your real laughter through the practice of Laughter Yoga exercises.

Accredited Laughter Therapist

The 2-day Laughter Therapist Training is only the beginning of the 6-12 months programme (full details on

Accredited Gibberish Coach

The 1-day Gibberish Coach Training for Laughter Yoga Leaders and Teachers runs on the following dates (full details are listed on

All fees listed in the newsletter are early bird fees available until one month before training dates and excluding travel and accommodation costs unless otherwise stated. Other deals may be available as well as special agreements with companies and organisations who wish to train teams and individuals in their workplace.

If you want to be sure to get a place on the course of your choice please book now in the UnitedMind Online Shop.

For more information about accredited training courses please contact us via, phone 0800 1214 714, or mobile/WhatsApp +447736341717.

Full details of all workshops and training programmes, and how to register, are listed on UnitedMind’s website.

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