Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK

Learn Gibberish Online, in Durham or St Albans

img_0307A new date for Online Certifed Gibberish Coach Training has been entered in the training calendar.

The increase in people who learn Gibberish for the benefits of enjoying powerful and empowering communication is exciting, and I am pleased to announce the online training to be held on 26 January 2017.

The course also runs in Durham on 26 November 2016 and 19 March 2017.

Gibberish is the language of nonsense that teaches us to communicate from a place of expressing emotions without hurting others just because we hurt ourselves.

img_0116Learning Gibberish has the potential of changing the way we interact and communicate – especially in stressful environments.

Don’t hesitate any longer but get your Gibberish fluency developed now!

Read more about Gibberish on

And book your place for online training Or you can choose the location you want to learn from.

Few spaces available on online courses.

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