Welcome to May 2014
…and news from UnitedMind Ltd., Laughter Yoga Ltd., Gibberish Communications Ltd., and The Laughter Club International (UK).
Our newsletter is a combination of news, stories and upcoming events. We hope you will enjoy our content on a monthly basis, and look forward to seeing you on courses and training, workshops, Laughter Clubs or other laughter events.
Please also feel free to follow the scribbles about laugh life and life in general on The Laughter Blog.
Information in this newsflash about
- World Laughter Day 4th May 2014
- Laughing with MS Society Members at MS Life 2014
- Even energy companies energise
- Laughter Yoga Training and that kinda stuff…
And just to mention
- Meet some of the awesome people who’ve trained with us since 2007
- Testimonials from Laughter Yoga Teacher Training
- The Healthy Laughing Blog
- The Laughter Club in 2014 – hope to see you here or there
- UnitedMind’s Online Shop – products, services, subscriptions
World Laughter Day 4th May 2014
World Laughter Day is upon us!
UnitedMind will be celebrating our 9th World Laughter Day in St. Albans but the event was created even further back and my first encounter was in 2000 at the World Laughter Day Happydemic in Copenhagen…
There are days nominated for numerous good causes and World Laughter Day is one of them.
Around the world we celebrate the day with laughter and fun in groups around the world.
Over 70 countries now practice Laughter Yoga regularly and the UK has really picked up pace with over 100 Laughter Clubs around the nation.
We celebrate this auspicious day with laughter for World Peace, from 1pm to 2:30pm at the following address:
The Sopwell Nunnery Ruins
Cottonmill Lane (just to the left when coming from Prospect Road)
We will also be sharing and celebrating the graduation of new Certified Laughter Yoga Leaders. A great day to laugh and be joyful!
Please contact us to find out more about World Laughter Day and other events via email, info@unitedmind.co.uk, or telephone 07736 341 717.
Laughing with MS Society Members at MS Life 2014
Manchester Central was buzzing with busy MS Society staff and voluteers and the hall was full of members and their families and friends who were there to learn more about living with MS.
I feel privileged to have been invited for the second time to deliver Laughter Yoga talks at the MS Life Events which only happens every two years.
My own story started in 1989 when my sister was diagnosed with MS. I never knew MS to be hereditory and was surprised when a Consultant almost 20 years later gave me an MS diagnosis and told me that my sister and I had same genes so anything would be possible. Hm.
Following this diagnosis I started The Telephone Laughter Club and brought laughter into my life on a committed daily basis, with the purpose of counter balancing stress and improving my health in order to combat relapses and other MS related symptoms.
Laughter Yoga works! It works for all kinds of illnesses and ailments caused by high stress levels resulting in low immune system function. It doesn’t mean everything gets cured through laughing, but we do learn an alternative way of coping with life’s ups and downs and look at the positives instead of being drawn into a spiral of negativity.
Anyone living with MS should try Laughter Yoga and the 8-week Laughter Yoga Coaching Programme which includes daily laughter bouts. But that is just in my opinion.
Last year, 5 years following my diagnosis I approached the Consultant who looked after my MRI scan and results back then, in 2008, to suggest a re-scan as this could be exciting and interesting research results into the benefits of laughter. Still looking for sponsoring of an MRI scan…
For details of our training and workshop programmes, please contact me on lotte@unitedmind.co.uk or phone 07736 341 717.
Even Energy Companies Energise
Going to London on a day of tube strike is not necessarily my ideal day but going to London to run a Corporate Laughter Workshop, no matter what the obstacles are, is definitely an ideal day for me!
I had the great pleasure of laughing with a group of 50-60 team members at one of the large energy provides in the UK and they were fantastic.
Laughter Yoga may not be to everyone’s liking and it may feel as if your inhibitions are being pushed right in your face, however, when you DO give it a go and are willing to laugh with your colleagues, the fun is just out of this world.
For every workshop I run in workplaces, whether they are large corporate businesses or small local council offices or charites or other types of organisations, I am thankful for the opportunity to present a way of introducing lasting change to work and outside work.
Why is Laughter Yoga so important?
The fact is that we work a lot and we work long hours in the UK workplaces.
Possibly lots of stress is accompanying you home after a finished workday and an evening at home may not be as good as ‘after work’ ideally should be.
Laughter Yoga works on all levels but one key area is that it helps to release stress and tension, allowing you to cope with stress in a stressless manner.
Please get in touch if you feel your team, your workplace or your personal life could benefit from Laughter Yoga, lotte@unitedmind.co.uk or phone 07736 341 717.
Laughter Yoga Training
There are countless offers for personal and professional development training courses being bombarded at us non-stop. Some are great, I have been on a few over the years, and some are great on the day you finish and you are all fired up to create a new and extra-ordinary life.
However, often the support for moving on lacks and everyday-life takes over the next day or the next week.
The Laughter Yoga training courses from UnitedMind include 1 month free trial of The Telephone Laughter Club which helps you keep laughter alive every day. Not the laughter we know from socialising but the deep, hearty, benefitting laughter we know from Laughter Yoga.
Furthermore, your network of professionals who work with Laughter Yoga and promote Laughter Clubs and Laughter Workshops, Laughter Training and Laughter Events, is there at the tip of your fingers or just a phonecall away.
The Laughter Yoga training courses are great platforms for anyone who wants the little extra, or who is looking for an alternative way of working, whether it is with the aim of running own business or bringing the tools to work in the workplace.
With Laughter Yoga ANYTHING is possible!
Laughter creates change and there really is nothing to fear.
We laugh together intead of mocking and laughing at each other, and there is no mixing of religion or politics into the laughs, we do it for the benefits and life-changing experience, both short-term and long-lasting.
The 5-day Laughter Yoga Teacher Training includes discussions about how to set up in business along with learning presentation skills and powerful ways of facilitating workshops and delivering training events.
- 5-day Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher Training
14-18 July 2014 in Hemel Hempstead
£550 per person plus accommodation
3-7 November 2014 in Hemel Hempstead
£550 per person plus accommodation
If you would like to learn the basics first at the 2-day Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training, there are some popular dates with few spaces left.
Please make sure you register in time!
- 2-day Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training
27-28 May 2014 in Durham
26-28 June 2014 in London
27-28 September 2014 in St. Albans
£150 (early bird) / £200 per person
If you want to be sure to get a seat on the course please book now in the UnitedMind Online Shop. The early bird rates are available until one month prior to the training or until all spaces are full.
All fees are excluding travel and accommodation costs. Other deals may be available as well as special agreements with companies and organisations who wish to train teams and individuals in their workplace.