Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK

UnitedMind News September 2022

Welcome to September 2022

UnitedMind orange logo2 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

…and news, stories, upcoming events and event reviews from UnitedMind Ltd. Laughter Yoga, Laughter Yoga in London, all over the UK and elsewhere, The Laughter Club International (UK) and The Telephone Laughter Club.

UnitedMind is on the forefront with laughter, happiness and joy!

To continue receiving our news please subscribe if you haven’t already!

In September News we share the following…

  1. The Autumn Feeling from Yours Truly
  2. Good Grief? with Rev. Richard Coles – if you missed it
  3. Laughter Yoga Teacher Training
  4. Did you follow us on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok – AND Twitter yet?
  5. Second to None Benefits Part 8
  6. Important training and laughter club dates and info are listed at the end!

You can continue to enjoy reading our news on our secure site on!

That Autumn Feeling from Yours Truly

Lotte Mikkelsen 2022 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

The summer has been a real scorcher and we have benefitted from all these amazing vitamins our sun brings out in us.

The trees are whispering of change as they wave and rustle their leaves in the early autumn breeze. While the days get shorter, the mornings and the evenings cool down and for me, it means my thoughts return to reflection – to their usual functioning, and I love it.

Reflecting on life, the universe and everything brings my mind to circle around the number 42 and I feel all philosophical as well as inspired.

There is a lot in the making as we move into the planetary autumn which is by no means the autumn of my mind – on the contrary.

Things are brewing and taking shape, I have a feeling that life will never be the same.

Life really IS never the same, evey moment is different but I am sure you get the gist of this. When dreaming turns to idea and vision, to action and reality.

RYZQ3435 e1661717620295 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

Faced with loss challenge us to see beyond what reality has placed in front of us, and watching Good Grief? with Reverend Richard Coles brought memories and past expeciences back.

All losses must be grieved and once we are ready to move on the world awaits.

Mel and I teach Laughter Therapy together and it is a course that dives into playing with pain and how to grieve all the losses we experience throughout life.

Teaching together with Mel over the past 6 years has taught me so many precious lessons, as well as given me blessings in areas of my life I had not imagines, and we have helped each other grow as teachers and as human beings.

I can truly recommend discovering your inner teacher-soul with someone you can develop together with. It is a really precious life experience and a super special friendship that has evolved out of sharing laughter over 10 years ago.

In addition this year has brought back friendships, renewed connections, and new ones with love and kindness.

KYChidbaseFestival 114 scaled e1661718387922 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

The key in this September message is to treasure your friendships, let go of what is not fulfilling, and nurture those people who bring nourishment to your soul, whilst learning from those who don’t only to move on with lightness in your heart, knowing you cannot save the world but your world is full of its own light with those who care, and that is where your own light shines on the rest of our world.

View life in wonder and curiousity!

With Love, Friendship, Honesty, Kindness, Health, Hope, Goodness, Grace, Gratitude, Understanding, Faith, Peace, Forgiveness, Patience, Diligence, Love, Blessings and Joy

Lotte Mikkelsen
Laughter Yoga Expert and Master Trainer

Good Grief? with Rev Richard Coles – in case you missed it

From laughter yoga and playing with therapy alpacas, to finding solidarity and solace on a grief cruise, Richard embraces a range of new and unusual ways to tackle his loss and live with a good grief.

If you missed the programme you can watch the full hour i the UK on

You can also contact me on if you are curious to know more about our Laughter Yoga programmes.

Laughter Yoga Teacher Training

IMG 1297 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

You have not fully learned and embraced Laughter Yoga until you have completed the Laughter Yoga Teacher Training!

You may have taken a big step with your Laughter Yoga Leader Training and that is worth the world.

2020 02 28 Laughter Yoga Teachers BEST LAUGH EVER scaled e1661754651905 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

However, until you have taken part in the 5-day Laughter Yoga Teacher Training the potential is still dormant and waiting for you to connect and discover its true power and nature.

If you are a Laughter Yoga Leader who felt connected with a great sense of joy, laughter, purpose or something completely different when you ventured onto ýour first training then I believe the teacher training is worth your next step.

During the training we will go in-depth with some of the elements introduced in Laughter Yoga 2.0 as well as

  • Experience and learn in-depth about the benefits of having a daily Laughter Yoga practice including Laughter Yoga 2.0
  • Practice and present Laughter Yoga smoothly
  • Discuss the different application of Laughter Yoga in various settings
  • Learn and practice a minimum of 40 laughter exercises you can use by yourself and in your groups
  • Find out how to start your own laughter business
  • Learn the basics skills as a Laughter Yoga Teacher
  • Discover what it takes to excel as a Laughter Yoga Professional
  • Learn the practice of laughter and breathing techniques for your own benefits and by yourself
  • Review and discuss media coverage from around the world
  • Explore the creative side to working with Laughter Yoga as well as working in a team and as a team
  • Enjoy the talent evening’s Talent Show Play and have lots of fun
  • Start your vision planning that will take you into your future with Laughter Yoga and your own business

And then there are all the things you learn which are not on the curriculum but the human side of the training. Tolerance, kindness, friendship, non-judgment, and much more on your personal and spiritual journey.

Laughter Yoga Teacher Melanie Bloch is a master of life and living, and I am excited to have her with me at the training in October-November, to share how she developed her Laughter Yoga business and to add another dimension to the learning.

For more informaiton please visit, and to book please choose your dates via

There are some really special offers for Laughter Yoga Leaders, but they are running out soon so please do get in touch on

Have you met us on Twitter yet? and did you follow us…

2022 UnitedMind on Twitter - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

My Twitter has been up and down over the years but it will be revitalised in the days, weeks, months to come so I invite you follow and join what’s going on.

Just like with my other social media channels (and I hope you liked all four),

I would love to build the following as I share the relevance of laughter, play and health as the ongoing theme moving forward.

Please follow the UnitedMind and Laughter Yoga UK on Twitter on

Please get in touch via email if there is Laughter-Yoga-related content you would like to see shared on the YouTube, Instagram or Facebook.

Second to None Benefits Part 8

There are studies about Laughter Yoga and

  • pain management
  • cancer care
  • diabetes
  • depression
  • hospitalised psychiatric disorders
  • and more

In addition many other conditions benefit from Laughter Yoga without the studies to support the facts.

Everyone is different and we are all on individual life journeys, so what works for one person may not work for another.

Intro at LOCO e1661755298276 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

However, unless there is a willingness to persist with the practice and not just do a few minutes here and there on occasions when it fits in, then there is no guarantee and only a small chance of the fully-fledged miracles thousands of people have experienced, simply through having a daily laughter practice.

Myself included – big time!

When I say miracles it is not about unexplained events but the miracles we have created ourselves in the face of adversity, and perhaps there was a golden touch and miraculous intervention somewhere since I and so many others found the practice in the first place.

Do not dismiss Laughter Yoga just because it may be out of your comfort zone or feel uncomfortable at first. Free your mind of what other people think and of the conditioning brought to present life by a young child many years ago. Many times this is what stops up and make us feel a certain way.

There are even more benefits to laughing and I may continue to share them with their little stories and anekdotes as we move further into autumn and winter, then spring and summer once again.

I hope you will continue to enjoy reading about the benefits of practicing Laughter Yoga, and even consider learning the technique for yourself or your group of people in your community or workplace so you, too, can make positive, live-able change count.

For more information or to book a workshop, keynote or training please contact Lotte on on mobile/WhatsApp +44 (0) 7736341717 or email

The Laughter Club International (UK) in St Albans on Zoom

2022 05 01 World Laughter Day 02 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

The Laughter Club in St Albans is sharing laughter on Zoom on 1st Sunday every month (except August) at 1pm-1:30pm!

Please register online on

We are up to something with laughter and sharing the benefits, and we hope that you enjoy these monthly Laughter Yoga workouts.

A Laughter Club is just like a fitness session and we encourage you to pay as you can to

Thank you for your kindness.

Please get in touch about the laughter clubs and other options via email,, phone 0800 1214 714 or mobile 07736 341 717.

The Telephone Laughter Club

yoga teacher lesson - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

The Telephone Laughter Club runs Monday to Friday at 7am to 7:10am.

Change your outlook and you will change your life!

The full story of The Telephone Laughter Club in the UK can be read on

Please subscribe and support The Telephone Laughter Club by donating the annual fee of £30 to keep it going every weekday morning from 7am-7:10am. You can subscribe via

Laughter Training for Leaders in Their Life

IMG 0904 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

If you have felt inspired to do the 2-day Laughter Yoga Leader Training OR if you felt inspired to complete the 5-day Laughter Yoga Teacher Training when you first trained as a Laughter Yoga Leader this is a call to you to take inspired action!

The journey to become a leader or a teacher who people want to learn from starts when you have the passion for your work and do it the best you can at all times.

Then when the little seed of a Laughter Yoga Leader is being fertilised at your first training perhaps you wish to become a Laughter Yoga Teacher simply to learn more awesome techniques.

The spark that ignites over 2 days of intensive laughter leader training burns even brighter and bigger after 5 days of laughter tearcher training.

You do not need to have a wish to teach others when you become a Laughter Yoga Teacher, however, you will learn skills that will enable to you to share Laughter Yoga on a much deeper level and of course, you will have the option to teach your own network of Laughter Yoga Leader if you ever change your mind.

Too many times in life we stall and never move forward in that touching, moving, and inspiring moment. I have been there many times in the past but since choosing Laughter Yoga as a life line for me and for the world I take action every day.

I hope you will, too.

To hear more about our training programmes, options and requirements, please contact via email

The Accredited Laughter Yoga Training

More information about the different programmes is available on

FHT logo e1589357844204 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

UnitedMind is registered with our insurance company as a training provider which means that our certificates grant you insurance.

When you choose your training provider please make sure you check their credentials as online training methods and courses are not always covered by insurers.

FHT Accredited courses uniquely from UnitedMind Laughter Yoga and our Accredited Laughter Yoga Teachers are

With accreditation we are taking Laughter Yoga seriously and we are bringing the standards to another level of nationwide approval within the education system.

This is continued professional development and gives you points to add to your CPD list!

To learn more about how you can become a Laughter Yoga Leader or Teacher please contact Lotte on mobile/WhatsApp +44 (0) 7736341717 or email

UnitedMind teaches Laughter Yoga courses in the following locations:

  • Accredited Laughter Yoga Leader Training
    This training is a requirement for becoming a Laughter Yoga Teacher
    • London, St. Albans, Online, Preston, Durham
    • Your venue, your group – minimum 4 people
  • Accredited Laughter Yoga Teacher Training
    This training is a requirement for becoming a Laughter Yoga Coach
    • Hemel Hempstead
    • Your venue, your group – minimum 4 people
  • Accredited Laughter Therapist Training
    • Stanmore
  • Accredited Laughter Coach and Certified Gibberish Coach Training
    • Online
    • Your venue, your group – minimum 4 people

Accredited Laughter Yoga Leader

The 2-day Laughter Yoga Leader Training runs on the following dates and venues (full details are listed on provided by UnitedMind in the UK since 2007:

12-hour Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training Online – click to choose your dates:

Accredited Laughter Yoga Teacher

The 5-day Laughter Yoga Teacher Training runs on the following dates and venues (full details are listed on provided by UnitedMind in the UK since 2012:

Fees for residential training are including accommodation.

Feel free to enquire about special offers at any time.

Accredited Laughter Yoga Coach

The 1-day Laughter Yoga Coach Training for Laughter Yoga Teachers runs online on the following dates (full details are listed on

Or you can book your 8-week One On One Laughter Coaching Programme and get closer to your real laughter through the practice of Laughter Yoga exercises.

Accredited Laughter Therapist

The 2-day Laughter Therapist Training is only the beginning of the 6-12 months programme (full details on

Accredited Gibberish Coach

The 1-day Gibberish Coach Training for Laughter Yoga Leaders and Teachers runs on the following dates (full details are listed on

All fees listed in the newsletter are early bird fees available until one month before training dates and excluding travel and accommodation costs unless otherwise stated. Other deals may be available as well as special agreements with companies and organisations who wish to train teams and individuals in their workplace.

If you want to be sure to get a place on the course of your choice please book now in the UnitedMind Online Shop.

For more information about accredited training courses please contact us via, phone 0800 1214 714, or mobile 07736 341 717.

Full details of all workshops and training programmes, and how to register, are listed on UnitedMind’s website.

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