Monthly Newsletter
June 2023
June's News
Summer, Sunshine and ‘Selebration’ from Yours Truly
I can actually spell ‘celebration’ but I am sure you know that it was a rhyme on letters that was intended…
My English teacher passed away recently, I have so much gratitude and love for her and her wisdom from all those years ago.
I remember she gave me an A+ (equivalent) for a short essay about Janis Joplin back in the 80s, and being a language geek I was over the moon.
This actually was not on my mind when I sat down to share a thought from Yours Truly but amazing how it ties in with the celebration of life and living.
Life happens in the blink of an eye and then you sit back and wonder what happened. Where did time suddenly disappear to and what happened to the dreams and visions we had for ourselves and all we are.
Much too often we look back and check all the boxes of what we never did, regretting the procrastination or lack of action when in fact we must celebrate the summers and the sunshine where we were out there being alive.
I look back now and look at the chances I took, some paid off, others were maybe not the greatest moments in my life so far, but all of those choices brought me here, doing what I love doing – sharing laughter for the health of it.
Always go into the world with curiousity and an open mind and heart, yes, sometimes you feel the pain of wearing your heart on you sleeve but imagine life if you had not experienced the challenges and perhaps more so the joys of living your best life.
If you have not yet risked yourself then I wish for you that opportunity knocks you over to show you the time is now and you can pick up yourself and enjoy what is right under your nose, your life!
Summer brings sunshine, showers and great perspective on the ourdoors’y enjoyments.
We indulge in an abundance of togetherness, music, good food and drinks because it seems like easy living.
Make every moment count and store for seasons to come when they seem just hazy memories.
Always build your next step on top of the endorphins you experience and you are guaranteed to surf on top of life. And just as waves always rise and fall, they lift you once again, that is just the way waves are and the way life is.
Wear a smile, it not only lifts your mood it also affects others as well as being an instant facelift – from droop to woop!
See you out their in the light-filled universe!
With Love, Friendship, Honesty, Kindness, Health, Hope, Goodness, Grace, Gratitude, Understanding, Faith, Peace, Forgiveness, Patience, Diligence, Love, Blessings and Joy

Swift Wellbeing - A new Business Partner
I am so excited to introduce Swift Wellbeing, who organise and deliver events for companies of all sizes and shapes to improve health and wellness in the workplaces, helping people be more productive, more connected and ultimately more successful.
The Swift team includes field experts who are truly passionate about their work.
Everyone has been hand picked in order to bring together the very best professionals in the industry.
I am reallly thrilled to be teaming up with Swift as there is real synergy in promoting what we are all excited and passionate about.
Both Swift and UniverMind love working with clients to create memorable wellbeing events and programmes that bring people together.
When we work together we can reach more people.
For more information about working together, please contact Lotte on mobile/WhatsApp +44 (0) 7736341717 or email lotte@unitedmind.co.uk.
Working together for the greater good
The opportunities to share laughter so far in 2023 have been outstanding and extraordinary, and I am seriously grateful for each shared laughter in the past, the present, the future.
Working with women in wholesale last month and this month I had the amazing opportunity to share laughter at The Retail Trust event, Together Fest, at The Truman Brewery in London.
May has been super-busy with stress awareness and promotion of great mental health in workplaces as well as some great team building opportunities.
Sue Haswell and I ran a 3-hour team workshop for AXA XL who brought their international team from around the world to London to connect and share great team time.
There is more to share and corporate teams are bursting with ideas and requests for laughter and joy.
I feel there is a real sense of urgency building in workplaces in relation to bringing people closer together in order to move jointly towards the business vision and goals.
Laughter Yoga may just be the thing…
Laughter Yoga is a choice many workplaces are choosing these days as it had long-lasting effects and can create both physical stamina, mental strength and emotional wellbeing.
All of which is key to building and bonding a team for growth and for the future.
Next months you will be able to read more about The Awakening event that will take place in October in Lancashire.
The Awakening is the first event of its kind for professionals who want to grow and learn about spiritual intelligence and how you can use it to empower yourselves and the people around you.
It’s happening on Thursday 19th October 2023 in Lancashire and we are truly excited!
In addition to the day event, there is an option for an evening / overnight experience and stay over (limited rooms available) for further connection with like-minded people.
More details about our sensational line up of speakers and exhibitors soon, but this event is going to be the most uplifting experience with a room full of people who want to make a positive difference.
For more details and to book your tickets, head to www.amandagreencoaching.co.uk/theawakening.

Laughter Yoga Coach – your ultimate laughter step!
Immersing yourself in Laughter Yoga brings health and joy to your life.
As a Laughter Yoga Leader you have the opportunity to reconnect with your own laughter and share the joyful act with others in groups of people you know or people you don’t know but who want to experience wholesome laughter again.
Perhaps you have a bigger vision, one of teaching others to share laughter just like you do, and you learn Laughter Yoga on a deeper level to become a teacher.
The amazing thing about being a Laughter Yoga Teacher is that you can now start creating a network of people who, just like you, are up to something with laughter.
However, there is a deeper connection that you may seek, in your own laughter or in your connection with others.
Undoubtedly becoming a Laughter Coach is a big step because the core of you must be comfortable with your own laughter and with laughter exercises alone.
The Laughter Yoga Coaching programme takes yourself and your clients on a journey of self-discovery and into the depths of letting go of ego.
It is fun and it is a challenge to yourself that will give you the experience of connecting deeply with your own magic and with your heart on a level that may seem incomprehendable until you have in fact gone there.
To become a Laughter Coach you must be a Laughter Yoga Teacerh and to become a Laughter Yoga Teacher you must be a Laughter Yoga Leader…
Are you ready to burst out of your comfort zone, not just a little but a lot?
You can book your training on https://www.unitedmind.co.uk/shop/.
There are more links, dates, places and details further down this page.
For more information about our workshop and training programmes please get in touch on info@unitedmind.co.uk or call to have a conversation on 07736341717.
The Laughter Club International (UK) in St Albans on Zoom
WORLD LAUGHTER DAY is coming! To St Albans and Zoom.
The Laughter Club in St Albans is sharing laughter on Zoom on 1st Sunday every month (except August) at 1pm-1:30pm!
Please register online on https://form.jotform.com/200864136631350.
We are up to something with laughter and sharing the benefits, and we hope that you enjoy these monthly Laughter Yoga workouts.
Sunday 5 June 2023 at 13:00-13:30 UK timePlease join on https://us04web.zoom.us/j/132683686 pw 305815
A Laughter Club is just like a fitness session and we encourage you to pay as you can to www.paypal.me/unitedmind.
Thank you for your kindness.
Please get in touch about the laughter clubs and other options via email, info@unitedmind.co.uk, phone 0800 1214 714 or mobile/WhatsApp 07736 341 717.
In addition The Telephone Laughter Club runs Monday to Friday at 7am to 7:10am on
Dial: 0333 011 2319
Room number: 33928453 #
PIN: 8494 #
Please also contact me about The Telephone Laughter Club where we laugh weekday mornings from 7am to 7:10am if you have any questions about this service, lotte@unitedmind.co.uk.

Combat Stress with Laughter Yoga
A deepening of your knowledge if you are a Laughter Yoga Professional and a gentle interphase to why Laughter Yoga is an essential choice if you have not yet submerged yourself in Laughter Yoga.
This programme has the potential to change your perspective on the stress that may seem to run your life at times as well as give you ideas on how you can use laughter as a remedy to combat this stress.
Stress not only relates to work, it can connect every part of our lives in a vicious cycle of worry and anxiety.
This day and age we also compare ourselves too much to others based on online imagery, what we hear, what we think, what we see, which has become unhealthy and super-stressful for people who spend a lot of time online, forgetting that true connection and emotional growth happens when we interact face-to-face.
Stress often relates to things that have not yet happened but with our extensive imagination they can then escalate and become overwhelming and completely out of proportion.
As an overthinker I definitely know this to be true and maybe your mind works similar ways…
The good news is that for every overthought we have, every negative impulse we experience from our thoughts, our positive charge is much more powerful.
How do you shift your thinking?
What seems a big challenge can be changed with a small daily practice of a smile even when the smile seems an unlikely friend and is more likely to be a frown and a ‘grump’.
It takes commitment and a willingness to experience the results that happen when your attitude and perspective changes.
Are you willing to experience transformation? Willing to smile when you do not feel the smile at all?
I believe we are here to make the best of the challenges we face, and if we can help ourselves in small ways, why not go for it. What is the worst thing that could happen.
The programme consists of 2 x 5 lessons with a wealth of information, knowledge, wisdom and tips for how you can change your stress with simple, daily steps.
If you do not try you will never know…
Introduction session, standard intro with background, why it is a good idea to practice and brief on benefits, and laughter exercises
Neurobiology of stress and Laughter Yoga for stress reduction
Activating the parasympathetic nervous system with laughter
The Laughter Yoga philosophy of motion creates emotion
Laughing when you are not in the mood, trigger the joy cocktail
Depression: causes, symptoms, neurobiology
Anxiety and Laughter
Cancer and Laughter
Detoxing with Laughter Yoga
Laughter and neurological disorders
Conquer Stress with Laughter Yoga is available via www.pensight.com/x/unitedmind, where you can register for season 1 or 2 or both.
A season 3 is underway which will go in depth with the psychology of laughter, polyvagal theory, neuroplasticity, lymphatic drainage and more. Stay tuned.
If you would like to speak about Laughter Yoga and Laughter Therapy on your Podcast, news channel, entertainment programme, or for an article or other media ideas, please contact me on lotte@unitedmind.co.uk.
Laughter Training – are you still waiting for laughter to happen?
The 2-day Laughter Yoga Leader Training runs in London 5 times a year with Lotte and Mel. We bring you an exceptional journey into the depth of laughter and fun, as well as exploring aspects of yourself and your plans for bringing laughter to others.
Teaching Laughter Yoga Leader Training started for me in 2007 in St. Albans, and since then I brought the training to Durham and online in 2009, to London in 2010, to Blackpool/Preston in 2015 and wherever your team takes me.
Now is the best time to book your spot on one of the 2023 and 2024 courses!
Once you are a Laughter Yoga Leader your exploration has only just started and it opens the world of Laughter Yoga to you, and also becoming a Laughter Yoga Teacher.
To hear more about our training programmes, options and requirements, please contact via email info@unitedmind.co.uk.

The Accredited Laughter Yoga
Training Courses
Lotte Mikkelson the UK’s Leading Specialist for Laughter Yoga Wellness Training and Workshops.

Laughter Yoga Leader
Become a Certified and Accredited Laughter Yoga Leader and help to spread the laughter in social clubs, yoga and fitness studios, senior care facilities, and in the work place.

Laughter Yoga Teacher
Train as a Laughter Yoga Teacher in the UK as UnitedMind is the only Laughter Yoga Training provider in the country to offer the 5-day course!

Laughter Yoga Coach
Laughter Yoga and Laughter Coach Training is for Life Coaches, Holistic Therapists and other Therapists who facilitate one-on-one treatments and/or perhaps even smaller groups.